
With coaching you will be able to see results in a very short time. The reason for this is that we humans learn faster when we are actively involved in the process.

In order for coaching to take place in an optimal way, it is crucial that trust exists between both parties. Because of this, honesty is something that we always put first in our relationships.

Our coaching process

Step 1. Analyze to raise awareness

Unless you become aware of your behavior, it will be impossible to improve it.

Therefore, we analyze it what level of performance you are at today and what will be required to achieve what you want.

Step 2. Plan for accountability

It is the individual who must take personal responsibility for the expected result.

Here is my job to make it clear to you exactly what you will need to do to achieve your goal. I will be there and do everything I can to pull you across the finish line. But you have to take the personal responsibility for the result.

AttentusArrowRight How should it be achieved?
AttentusArrowRight How is it going to happen?
AttentusArrowRight Where will it happen?


Various are used here:

AttentusArrowRight Styles
AttentusArrowRight Techniques
AttentusArrowRight Skills


Step 3. Evaluate the successes

AttentusArrowRight Were the goals achieved?
AttentusArrowRight Did the plan lead to unexpected advantages / disadvantages?
AttentusArrowRight Is there a need for a new development plan?

Trust is born by active learning

Ulf Johansson